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Sites de voyage alentour

Aéroport Galileo Galilei Pisa
Ferry Genova 100.00 km
Gare ferroviaire Vernazza
Voiture Voiture non indispensable

Comment s'y rendre

VERNAZZA est accessible en train (recommandé) ou en voiture. Les aéroports les plus proches sont ceux de Pise et de Gênes, distants d'environ 90 km.En train, le trajet dure environ 2 heures.


The best way to get around is by train, in 5 minutes you get to the next station For your information to visit the cinque terre, there is the 5 terre card. For the train, some paths and buses. Ask for the 5 Terre card at the train station and at the Parco 5 Terre office. You can also buy it online. Every time you take the train, in the 5 lands you pay 5 euros per person. Example if you go from Vernazza to Monterosso (2 people) 10 euros you get back 10 euros.... You can purchase the 5 Terre Card for train only or train and trails if From the marina boats depart daily to reach other countries There are trains every hour to move between countries. Of course also through the paths. You can rent boats to reach the small beaches along the coast