
À proximité :

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Restaurants et attractions proches

Sites de voyage alentour

Aéroport Inverness
Ferry Armadale 100.00 km
Gare ferroviaire Kyle of Lochalsh 88.00 km
Voiture Voiture indispensable

Comment s'y rendre

The approximate journey times to/from the cottage, by car, are as follows: Broadford (1 hour), Skye Bridge (1½ hours), Fort William (3 hours), Inverness (3 hours), Crianlarich (4½ hours), Glasgow M74/M73 Jtn (6 hours), Gretna Green/The Border (7 hours). Allow extra in Summer and if you make any stops. Don’t be fooled into thinking you’ll be able to ‘put your foot down’; in summer, you will be very lucky to average 50mph once you leave the motorways at Stirling/Glasgow.

Activités aux alentours Glendale

Sports Pêche
Génial pour Séjour randonnée, Séjour à la campagne


Driving in the Highlands has an etiquette and ‘code’ of its own that makes the journey safe and enjoyable for every road-user but can seem strange to first-time visitors: Single-Track Roads • Use passing places to allow cars behind you to overtake, as well as to allow on-coming traffic to pass. • Never pull into passing places that are on your right, wait opposite them instead. • Flash your headlights when you reach a passing place to show the on-coming vehicle you are waiting for them to pass.