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Sites de voyage alentour

Aéroport Homer Airport
Ferry Alaska Ferry Terminal 11.30 km
Gare ferroviaire Alaska railroad 402.30 km
Voiture Voiture conseillée

Comment s'y rendre

The address is 4456 East Hill Rd. - that's the third driveway on your right after you turn onto East Hill Rd.- look for the little green mailbox. The entrance to your accommodation is on the east side of the house; walk around the front of the house and look for the blue door.

Activités aux alentours Homer

Sports Course de chevaux, Pêche
Génial pour Séjour randonnée, Séjour à la campagne, Relaxation sur la plage ou au bord d'un lac, Vacances à bicyclette


A car is generally needed to see the sights of Homer as it is quite spread out. There are bicycles available for rent in town and a trolley car gives a narrated tour of Homer.