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Sites de voyage alentour

Aéroport Aeroporto dell'Umbria - Perugia, Via dell'Aeroporto
Gare ferroviaire Terontola-Cortona 22.00 km
Voiture Voiture indispensable

Comment s'y rendre

The airports closest to the house is in the city of Perugia (45 min. drive away).

Other possibilities are:

* Florence

Florence Airport (Aeroporto di Firenze Amerigo Vespucci). Florence is a 2 hour / 150 km drive from the house.

* Pisa

Airport Pisa International Airport is approximately 2.5 hours / 235 km drive from the house.

* Rome

The airport is about 2.5 hours drive / 250 km from the house.

* Bologna:

Bologna Airport (Aeroporto Guglielmo Marconi). The airport is about 2.5 hours drive / 235 km from the house.

* Traveling by train:

Nearest train station is in the city of Terontola-Cortona and is about a 30 minute drive. Trains run regularly and generally on time. Via this station there is a good train connection to Florence (1.5 hours) and Rome (2 hours). A return ticket costs about € 20 for both cities.

Activités aux alentours Lisciano Niccone

Génial pour Séjour randonnée, Séjour à la campagne, Vacances à bicyclette