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Sites de voyage alentour

Aéroport SJO
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Comment s'y rendre

Use route 126A via Vara Blanca, down to the town of San Miguel. Just 1.30 hours from the sjo airport. If traveling by bus use the Caribenos via Vara Blanca

Coming into San Miguel on Route 126 from the south, keep right and avoid left on Route 140.

At a T-junction, with Soda San Miguel on the right and a petrol station on the left, turn left which takes you down the Main Street of San Miguel.

You will pass Banco Nacional on your left then a Red Cross place also on the left.

Just after that, on the right, you will see a right turn, just before the cemetery which has blue and white walls. This sign shows a right turn to La Isla and Sarapiqui.

When you take this right turn you are now on Calle El Socorro. (You are going to follow this ro

Activités aux alentours Colonia Virgen del Socorro

Sports Sports nautiques, Course de chevaux
Génial pour Séjour randonnée, Séjour à la campagne