
À proximité :

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Restaurants et attractions proches

Sites de voyage alentour

Aéroport Brindisi
Ferry Brindisi 105.00 km
Gare ferroviaire Gagliano del Capo 3.00 km
Voiture Voiture indispensable

Comment s'y rendre

Get a flight to the nearest airport of Brindisi (105 Km), and rent a car there. For rental cars see on easyterra or on rentalcars. There are many direct flights to Brindisi from London, Paris, Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Berlin, Zurich, Geneva and many more destinations.

Activités aux alentours Marina di Novaglie

Sports Pêche
Génial pour Séjour randonnée, Séjour à la campagne, Relaxation sur la plage ou au bord d'un lac


If you dont come with your car, you will need a rental car. Best is to rent it online directly from the nearest Airport of Brindisi.