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Sites de voyage alentour

Aéroport Leeds/Bradford (1.5hours drive)
Ferry Hull Ferry 91.80 km
Gare ferroviaire Scarborough Train Station 18.50 km
Voiture Voiture conseillée

Comment s'y rendre

Public Transport - Train to Scarborough, X93 bus (Scarborough to Middlesbrough) from outside the train station. Get a fare to The Flask and make sure you get off there. Fare for 2024 just £2 per person.

If you are travelling by car & using Sat-Nav it will take you off of the A171 & down the old road behind the Flask Inn. IGNORE IT. We are directly opposite the Flask Inn & Jet Petrol Station (on the opposite side of the A171) - you turn down the lane next to the bus stop. We are on the left at the bottom of the lane - take the first left into the parking area.

Activités aux alentours Whitby

Génial pour Séjour randonnée, Séjour à la campagne


Facile d'accès de notre emplacement - directement sur la principale A171 Scarborough à Whitby Road. Le X93 (Scarborough à Middlesbrough) arrêts de bus au sommet de notre voie et se déplace via Robin Hoods Bay, Whitby et Guisborough. Train - direct de Scarborough à Malton, York, Leeds, Beverley ou Hull. Visite à proximité Goathland (pays Hearbeat), Grosmont et hop sur le Train à vapeur North Yorkshire Moors qui prend également à Pickering, Levisham, Whitby bons services de taxi locaux.