
À proximité :

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Restaurants et attractions proches

Sites de voyage alentour

Aéroport Debrecen International Airport
Ferry Tiszacsege 72.00 km
Gare ferroviaire Tiszai Railway Station 2.60 km
Voiture Voiture non indispensable

Comment s'y rendre

Well, if you arrive by train, the further journey is also very easy.

So if you arrived at Miskolc Tisza railway station, just take one of the trams. The numbering does not matter, all are good.

You can buy a mobile ticket here:

/* You can change the language from Hungarian to English. If you do not have any account, please create one first. If you are on, just click purchase and choose the city (Miskolc) and select the simple or daily tickets. */

Go 4 stops and get off at the "Villanyrendor" (in English: Police Light) stop. Continue the way next to the tram rail towards the theater on the pedestrian street. If you see the theatre (big white nice house - you will recognize -it's about 100m meters from tram stop), opposite please find the MKB bank (next to the bakery). Next to the MKB Bank logo you will see a gate or doorway. Go through it and you will arrive to the Europe Square.

Please check it via google maps. (Europa square, Miskolc)

There you will see an other big white house and please find the B staircase door (next to the Diana nail and/or massage salon). If succeeded, just press the doorbell, number: "36". My name is written "Siklosi Lorant."

The apartment is on the 3rd floor on your right.

The code of the flat of the digital lock (5 characters!): 0522* (This code can be used ONLY for the main door of the flat and you cannot use it for the staircase door. For the proper operation of the digital lock, always raise up the door handle!)