
Prix initialement exprimés en AUD

Pour 8 locataires au maximum

Période À partir de Au Nuitée en semaine Nuitée en week-end Hebdomadaire Tarif mensuel Durée minimum de séjour Jour d´arrivée et départ
Toutes les dates - - €68 - €475 - 3 nuits Flexible

NB : l'annonceur peut modifier les prix à son entière discrétion

Please note: Each booking may attract additional fees which are not included in the above rates. Pricing displayed is purely indicative, and nightly pricing displayed is for stays of 7 days or more. For stays under 7 days, minimum stay loading and other conditions may affect the nightly rate. Please select dates and Continue Booking to obtain an accurate price.

No Functions allowed at this property.  Only a very small dog allowed.  Must advise Consultant and size and breed of dog. Acceptance is at the owners discretion.

All our holiday properties are now non-smoking for your health and comfort of others. This includes inside and on balconies.